Love Packages Mission Trip

Mission Trip - Friday, September 13th, 7:00am-5:00pm

Our team had a great time serving at Love Packages.  We packed Bibles, devotional books, and study guides into boxes and loaded three pallets full.  All these items will go around the world to areas that don't have access to Christian literature.  There are many testimonies of how this literature has changed peoples' lives as they learned about the One true God and found hope through Jesus Christ.  Join us in September as we go to sort and pack more literature.

HOW TO GO: You can bring donated items (dated literature, books, and Bibles) to the church and place it in the bins marked Love Packages or drop them by the office.  These donations are brought to the Love Packages facility once a quarter.


Hermitage Hills Baptist Church partners with Love Packages in Decatur, AL.  Approximately 80% of Christians outside of the USA have no access to literature.  Love Packages wants to fill this gap.  Their mission is to produce free Bible study materials for churches and Bible schools overseas, to mail New Testaments to individuals, and to collect new and used Bibles, Christian books, magazines, tracts from churches to ship overseas.

Last year, we partnered with Love Packages by collecting used literature throughout the year.  We boxed these items and sent them to the facility so that they could go to those that need it most.

Here is a story of how God is using the literature for His glory:

Zibabwe:  We were witnessing from door to door and we came across a very angry man, he was not pleasant.  He was yelling at us.  He was like what do you want, and we said sir, we want to bless you with a Couple's Bible.  He said yes I'll take it but you get out of here, you need to move on.  We found that to be a strange answer.  We handed him the Couple's Bible and left.  Several weeks later he called saying the Bible you gave me saved my marriage.  We were on the verge of divorce, but every time I saw that Couple's Bible I felt convicted, I started reading it, then I asked my wife for forgiveness she accepted and we have now reconciled.  Now we are enjoying the Couple's Bible together.  Continue the good work.  Thank you.

For more information about Love Packages, see the link below.

Donate Bibles & Christian Literature | Love Packages

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