At Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, we believe that missions is a daily commitment to connect to God and share His love through the gospel message with those He places in our area of influence.  Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15 to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."  Our desire is for you to connect to missions.  Here are three simple steps to help you find where God has planned for you to step in this year.


You can connect to missions by PRAYING, GOING, and GIVING.

You can connect through PRAYER - Everything begins with prayer.  As you connect with God through conversation, you are able to connect to His will for you.  Here are some ways to get started:  pray that you will connect to the mission opportunity God has for you, that the mission areas of Hermitage Hills will be effective at providing opportunities for the Gospel to be shared, for missionaries that serve close to home and around the world, for mission teams as they bring the Good News, and for unreached people to connect to the love of God.

You can connect by GOING - Going begins with obediently stepping into the opportunities God provides.  Hermitage Hills offers a variety of ways to go with the love of Jesus beginning here in Hermitage and branching out around the world.  No matter your skills or experience, God has a specific way for you to join in going into the world to share the Gospel.  Explore opportunities below.

You can connect by GIVING - When you give to the One Fund, God is able to multiply those gifts to propel missions forward through Hermitage Hills.  By giving, you are helping each of the mission areas to serve and share the Gospel.  By giving, you are providing resources so we can step into the opportunities God has for us as we seek to share His story with all of creation.  You can give online, in person with check or cash, or by text.

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