LIFEgroups for all ages meet at Hermitage Hills. Some are on Sundays and others are during the week day or night. If you are not currently involved in a LIFEgroup, visit our LIFEgroups page to find a group that fits you. Check for special HOLIDAY/EVENT times.
Contact Leigh Ann Hinkle ·
array (
'msg' => '',
'filter' =>
array (
'CategoryList' => 'Adult Ministry, Children\'s Ministry, College Ministry, Preschool MInistry, Student Ministry',
'ContactEmail' => '',
'ContactName' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
'ContactPhone' => '',
'Contacts' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'Name' => 'Andy Miller',
'Email' => '',
'Phone' => '615-883-5034',
'EventOwnerEmail' => '',
'EventOwnerName' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
'DateModified' => NULL,
'Description' => 'LIFEgroups for all ages meet at Hermitage Hills. Some are on Sundays and others are during the week day or night. If you are not currently involved in a LIFEgroup, visit our LIFEgroups page to find a group that fits you. Check for special HOLIDAY/EVENT times.',
'DisplayTimes' => true,
'EventId' => 2722729,
'LocationName' => 'Hermitage Campus',
'Name' => 'All age LIFEgroups',
'OccurrenceStartTime' => '12/17/2023 9:00 AM',
'OccurrenceEndTime' => '12/17/2023 10:15 AM',
'OccurrenceId' => 60887466,
'ScheduleId' => 4443541,
'PublicEventUrl' => NULL,
'RegistrationEnabled' => false,
'RegistrationUrl' => '',
'ResourceList' => 'Connection Lobby, Student Lobby/Foyer',
'ResourceEndTime' => '12/17/2023 10:15 AM',
'ResourceStartTime' => '12/17/2023 9:00 AM',
'StatusDescription' => 'Approved',
'SubmittedBy' => 'Leigh Ann Hinkle',
'ImageUrl' => '',
'PublicNotes' => NULL,
'IsPublic' => true,
'Spaces' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'Name' => 'Connection Lobby',
1 =>
array (
'Name' => ' Student Lobby/Foyer',
'SpacesOnPublicCalendarDisplay' => NULL,
'PublicHtmlNotes' => NULL,
'OccurrenceStatus' => 'Approved',