Student worship service for those students in 6th-12th grades including live worship band and relevant message.

Contact Anna Panisiak ·

array (
  'msg' => '',
  'filter' => 
  array (
  'CategoryList' => 'Connect, Grow, I, Student Ministry',
  'ContactEmail' => '',
  'ContactName' => 'Anna Panisiak',
  'ContactPhone' => '',
  'Contacts' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'Name' => 'Erica Rodgers',
      'Email' => '',
      'Phone' => '615-883-5034',
  'EventOwnerEmail' => '',
  'EventOwnerName' => 'Anna Panisiak',
  'DateModified' => NULL,
  'Description' => 'Student worship service for those students in 6th-12th grades including live worship band and relevant message.',
  'DisplayTimes' => true,
  'EventId' => 966054,
  'LocationName' => 'Hermitage Campus',
  'Name' => 'FOCUS',
  'OccurrenceStartTime' => '9/26/2018 6:00 PM',
  'OccurrenceEndTime' => '9/26/2018 7:30 PM',
  'OccurrenceId' => 9167105,
  'ScheduleId' => 1339110,
  'PublicEventUrl' => NULL,
  'RegistrationEnabled' => false,
  'RegistrationUrl' => '',
  'ResourceList' => 'B-214 (High School)',
  'ResourceEndTime' => '9/26/2018 7:30 PM',
  'ResourceStartTime' => '9/26/2018 6:00 PM',
  'StatusDescription' => 'Approved',
  'SubmittedBy' => 'Anna Panisiak',
  'ImageUrl' => '',
  'PublicNotes' => NULL,
  'IsPublic' => true,
  'Spaces' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'Name' => 'B-214 (High School)',
  'SpacesOnPublicCalendarDisplay' => NULL,
  'PublicHtmlNotes' => NULL,
  'OccurrenceStatus' => 'Approved',

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